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  • 為甚麼要使用假髮? Why use hair piece?
    比起植髮帶來的昂貴價錢與痛苦的手術療程,更不用為手術後的頭髮存活率而擔心。 此外,不需要每天定時吃藥、塗藥,擔心未知的副作用和成效及每月付擔昂貴的藥費。 適合想以合理價錢恢復應有髮量的人士。 Compared with the expensive price and painful operation of hair transplantation, there is no need to worry about the survival rate of hair after surgery. In addition, there is no need to apply medicine regularly every day, worry about unknown side effects, and pay expensive monthly medicine bills. Suitable for those who want to restore their proper hair volume at a reasonable price.
  • 假髮耐用嗎? Are Hair piece durable?
    假髮壽命視乎使用習慣及保養程度等影響,一般可使用2-3年 。 The life of the hair piece depends on the usage habits and daily maintenance. Generally, it can be used for 2-3 years.
  • 我要出門遠行,需與朋友同住該怎麼辦? What should I do if I want to go on a long trip and need to stay with friends?
    如果您需要出外工幹或遠行,復原法會有特別的固定方法,讓您不需要將假髮脫下來 ! If you need to go out to work trip or travel, Hair Recovery will have a special fixing method, so that you do not need to take off the hair piece!
  • 如何保障我的私隱? How can I protect my privacy?
    復原法採用預約制度不接受Walk in,每個時段只招待一位客人,亦有獨立房間 。私隱度極高,保證客人資料不會外洩 。 Hair Recovery is entertained at each time period, and there are also independent rooms.Privacy is extremely high, ensuring that guest information will not be leaked.
  • 價格會否很昂貴? Will it be expensive?
    產品價錢劃一收費,不存在任何隱藏收費; 客人可聯絡我們簡述情況,進行初步的報價 。 The price of the product is charged uniformly, and there is no hidden charge; Customers can contact us to briefly describe the situation and make a preliminary quotation.
  • 佩戴會很麻煩嗎? Will it be troublesome to wear?
    剛開始使用時可能會需要比較長的時間進行佩戴,習慣佩戴後,所需的時間會隨著減少一分鐘內便可完成佩戴 。 It may take a long time to wear at the beginning of use. After getting used to wearing it, the time required will be reduced to one minute to complete.
  • 假髮會容易脫落嗎? Will the hair piece fall off easily?
    復原法有專員實測用不同假髮固定方式,強風或劇烈運動都不會脫落 。 Hair Recovery has been tested by specialists using different hair piece fixing methods, and it will not fall off in strong wind or strenuous exercise.
  • 佩戴假髮會被別人發現嗎? Will someone find out if I wear hair piece?
    復原法會提供最適合您的產品,為您塑造出最自然的效果,讓您的身邊人都不會察覺。 Hair Recovery will provide you with the most suitable products to create the most natural effect for you, so that people around you will not notice.
  • 能造出我心儀的髮型嗎? Can I get the hairstyle I want?
    您可以準備心儀髮型的照片,復原法亦可以提供建議創造最適合您的髮型 。 You can prepare a photo of the hairstyle of your wish to do, and Hair Recovery can also provide advice on creating the best hairstyle for you.
  • 可否長期佩戴假髮? Can I wear hair piece for a long time?
    可以,我們使用的物料輕薄、透氣,長期佩戴都不會感到不適 。 Yes, the materials we use are thin and breathable, and you will not feel uncomfortable when wearing them for a long time.
  • 完全脫髮可否使用? Can it be used for complete hair loss?
    無論您的脫髮問題屬於輕度或嚴重,復原法都可以為您提供最適合的產品 。 Whether your hair loss problem is mild or severe,Hair Recovery can provide you with the most suitable products.
  • 試戴和諮詢會否收費? Will there be a fee for try-on and consultation?
    復原法提供免費試戴及資詢服務,絕不強迫購買,讓您安心挑選最適合您的假髮 。 Hair Recovery provides free try-on and consulting services, never forced to buy, allowing you to choose the most suitable hair piece with peace of mind.
  • 修剪頭髮很尷尬嗎? Is it embarrassing to do hair-cut?
    復原法設有獨立的工作室為您服務,避免外出修剪尷尬和煩惱 。 Hair Recovery has an independent studio for you to avoid the embarrassment and trouble of going out to trim
  • 佩戴假髮如何應付日常生活? How to cope with daily life wearing hair piece?
    復原法專員佩戴產品多年,明白日常生活會遇到的各種情況,能以切身經驗提供為您解答任何使用上的問題 。 Hair Recovery specialist has worn the product for many years, understands the various situations that will be encountered in daily life, and can provide you with personal experience to answer any questions on use.
  • 如何分辨真頭髮和仿真髮? How to distinguish between real hair and artificial hair?
    分辨方法很簡單,由於仿真髮當是用一些化學纖維如尼龍、玻璃纖維、人造絲等物料製作,所以在燃燒仿真髮時會產生如燃燒塑膠的臭味,而燃燒真頭髮時則會產生如燃燒油脂般的焦味。 Identification method is very simple, because the simulation hair is made of some chemical fibers such as nylon, glass fiber, rayon and other materials. Therefore, burning artificial hair will produce a smell like burning plastic, and burning real hair will produce a burning smell like burning grease.
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